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RESOURCES at your fingertips

The Book of Concord

The Book of Concord is the authoritative collection of the Lutheran Church’s statements of faith. It contains documents which Lutheran Christians have used since the sixteenth century to explain, defend, and advance their witness to the truth of God’s Word.

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Spirituality of the Cross

The topic of spirituality in Christianity is muddled with mysticism rather than the mysteries of Christ: the Sacraments and His resurrection. Spirituality of the Cross brings people to Lutheranism and its teachings of the cross and Christ's sacrifice for our savlation.

Connected to Christ: Why Membership Matters

Being a member of a church isn’t just about tithing and having your name on a roster. It’s about supporting your brothers and sisters, holding them accountable, and regularly receiving God’s Word and Sacraments with them.

You are a part of the body of Christ. You matter. Membership matters.

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